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AboutFace: A Resource for Veterans with PTSD


My name is Corporal
Bradley Joseph Seitz.

Captain Joshua Brandon.

Bob Murphy.

Kate Weber.

Jerry Reed.

Will Sanchez.

And I have PTSD.

I have PTSD.

I have PTSD.

I thought I was losing my mind.

Everything just fell apart.

I was still in a
war zone in my mind.

I felt isolated.

I felt alone.

I made a choice.

I made a choice to
go seek treatment.

Treatment has definitely
helped me.

Treatment has turned my
life completely around.

It was like a new
beginning for me.

If you are tired of dealing

and living the way you are right
now, then do something about it.

Quit beating yourself
up and go get help.

You know, that's basically
all I can tell you.

You know you need
help, so go get it.

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